Tuesday 11 September 2012

Language in Kenya

The base of the mountain lies at some 5,250 feet (1,600 metres). At the 8,000-foot (2,440-metre) contour, the circumference is approximately 95 miles (153 km). Sheng is another language you may hear in Kenya. Sheng (the word coming from a combination of the words SwaHili and ENGlish) is a language that has grown out of Nairobi that is used almost exclusively by the younger crowd. It is a mix of Kiswahili, English, and the Bantu tribal tongues. Sheng is regarded almost as a secret language of the youth, and when spoken by a tourist, it is sure to impress any young adult in any big city. It is hard to differentiate from Kiswahili without knowing the language, but it can still be fun to substitute a Sheng greeting for a Kiswahili greeting if you run into a young adult. Common Sheng greetings are: “Sasa?” which is answered by “fit” or “fiti,” and “Mambo?” (or “Mambo vipi?” or just “Vipi?”), which is answered by “poa.”
What follows is a list of Kiswahili vocabulary that will allow you to have a working knowledge of the language. This could be useful to get you out of a fix, order food, or just impress a local.
Pronunciation: One of the reasons Kiswahili is not a difficult language is that it is very grammatical and pronunciation never changes from word to word.
A as the ‘a’ in ‘father’ 
E as the ‘e’ in ‘best’ or the ‘a’ in ‘hay’
I as the ‘ee’ in ‘bee’
O as the ‘o’ in ‘cold’
U as the ‘ou” in “you”
Dh as the ‘th’ in ‘this’
Ng’ as the ‘ng’ in ‘sing’
All other consonants require no explanation.
Greetings and Civilties:
Greeting is extremely important in Kenyan culture. Before talking to anyone, it is polite to greet them first. After a greeting, some Kenyans may even carry on with small talk for ten good minutes before getting to the topic at hand.
Welcome                                             Karibu
How are you (greeting a singular person)? Habari yako? or Habari gani?
How are you (greeting many people)?    Habari zenu? or Habari gani?
I’m fine                                                  Nzuri, Salama, or Njema
What is your name?                              Unaitwa nani?
My name is ____                                   Ninaitwa ______
Where are you from?                             Unatoka wapi?
I’m from _____                                      Ninatoka shiut______
Where do you live?                                Unakaa wapi?
I live in _____                                       Ninakaa ______ 
Thank you very much                             Asante sana
Yes                                                          ndio
No                                                        hapana
Goodbye                                            fkwaheri
hello                                                 jambo, salama, sasa
No problem                                                  Hakuna Matata, ni sawa, usijali
White person (foreigner)                                 Mzungu
White people (foreigners)                              Wazungu

Finding your way around:
I want to go to _____                                        Nataka kwenda mpaka/nataka kwenda  ______
Is this the way to ______?                                Hii ni njia ya wapi _____?
Is this the car to _____?                                  Hii ina enda wapi_____?
How much is it to go to _____?                        Ni pesa ngapi kwenda _____?
bus                                                                  basi
train                                                                 gari la moshi
vehicle                                                             gari
boat                                                                 meli
taxi                                                                  taxi
ticket                                                                 tikiti
Wait a little!                                                  Ngoja kidogo!
Stop here!                                                   Simama hapa!
Where is _____?                                         Wapi _____?
hotel                                                            hoteli ya kulala
bank                                                            bank
restaurant                                                    hoteli ya chakula
post office                                                    posta
toilet                                                              choo
hospital                                                       hospitali
police station                                              stesheni ya polisi

Where is a hotel?                                            Wapi hoteli ya kulala?
Do you have a room for one person?            Kuna chumba kwa mtu moja?
Do you have a room for two people?            Kuna chumba kwa watu wawili?
Is there hot water?                                       Kuna maji ya moto?
How much is the room?                                 Chumba ni pesa ngapi?
I want to see the room please.                   Nataka kuona chumba tafadhali.
For one day                                                siku moja
For one week                                           wiki mzima /moja
key                                                           ufunguo/ kifunguo

bird -                                                      ndege
crocodile -                                              mamba
elephant -                                                ndovu/tembo
giraffe -                                                  twiga
hippopotamus -                                     kiboko
hyena -                                                    fisi
insects/bugs -                                           wadudu
lion -                                                       simba
monkey -                                                 tumbili
mosquito -                                                 mbu
rhinoceros -                                               kifaru
snake -                                                      nyoka
water buffalo -                                             nyati

1 moja
2 mbili
3 tatu
4 nne
5 tano
6 sita
7 saba
8 nane
9 tisa
10 kumi
11 kumi na moja
12 kumi na mbili
20 ishirini
30 thelathini
40 arobaini
50 hamsini
60 sitini
70 sabini
80 themanini
90 tisini
100 mia moja
200 mia mbili
1000 elfu moja
4567 elfu nne mia tano sitini na saba

I’m sick                             mimi mgonjwa/ mi nimgonjwa

I need a doctor                   ninahitaji daktari/ nataka daktari

I’m pregnant                      nina mimba
hospital                             hospitali
pharmacy                          duka la dawa
medicine                         dawa

Help!                                         Saidia!
I’m lost                                     nimepotea
I’ve been robbed                          nimeibwa
Don’t bother me.                          usinisumbue
Go away                                      kwenda kabisa/ toka hapa

I have no money                        sina pesa
At the restaurant:
Vegetables and Grains:
beans (pinto, kidney)                    maharagwe
cabbage                                               kabichi
carrots                                        karoti
cassava                                           muhogo
kale                                          sukuma wiki
lettuce                                           salad
onions                                              vitunguu
potatoes                                          viazi
rice                                                  mchele

tomatoes                                              nyanya
vegetables (greens)                                mboga
beef -                                                  nyama ya ng’ombe
goat -                                            nyama ya mbuzi
kebabs - mushkaki
meat - nyama
mutton - nyama ya kondoo
pork - nyama ya ng’uruwe
crab - kaa
fish - samaki
lobster - kamba
chicken - kuku

bananas - ndizi
coconut - nazi
dates - tende
fruit - matunda
guava - pera
limes - ndimu
mangoes - maembe
oranges - machungwa
papayas - paipai
passion fruit - pashoni/ passion fruit

pineapples - mananasi
sugar cane - miwa

Other useful words and phrases:
boiled - chemsha
bread - mkate
butter - siagi/ blue band

cold - baridi
cup - kikombe
Do you have____? - Kuna/ uko na _____?
eggs - mayai
food - chakula
fork - uma
fried - kaanga
glass - glasi/ glass

hot - moto
hot(spicy) - kali
knife - kisu
napkin - kitambaa
pepper - pilipili
plate - sahani
raw - mbichi
ripe - mbivu
roast - choma
table - meza
salt - chumvi
spoon - kijiko
soup - supu
sweet - tamu
without meat - bila nyama